File: jayose/Jayose Library: Studies in the Household of Nature.txt

By Jardet Forsill

A brief introduction to the balance of life and non-life in our land, and to the processes that shape both.

Volume 1: The First Level

Some aspects of Nature under the Dome are quite simple, and are even evident to the uneducated observer. The Great Crystal provides the First Level with the most constant warmth and light, and this with frequent and gentle rains supports rapid and vigorous plant growth. The subtle variance of the seasons herds life into cycles of growth, bloom, and senescence. The Dome is a fertile and lush land, a gift to those who live there.

Yet there is much more to the story than this; many hidden interactions, links, and effects yet to be discovered by the application of rigorous study. The very lushness of the level supports a wider variety of creatures than that of other parts of Yliakum, and all of these lives are interwoven with each other and with the constant mysterious energies of the Crystal above.

The hands of the Gods and perhaps even the effects of long-forgotten mighty spells must also not be overlooked in one’s study of Nature’s complex systems.

One important question to be researched involves the roots of our world: what processes created our soil? One occasionally observes bits of silt and mud washed away in the rains, carried by streams to the rivers and hence to the levels below. In the millennia to come, will all of Yliakum’s soil gradually migrate to the bottom of the Great Lake of Yliakum? Knowing how new soil is created can help us to understand the importance of efforts to conserve this truly precious resource, our ’common dirt’. A cursory study of mine has shown that the small stones and pebbles within it appear to be comprised of the same material as the bedrock beneath. I intend to dig deeper into this mystery in search of the answers. I am certain that it will yield before a logical inquiry.

Another oft-overlooked, yet vital, aspect of life in our world is that of dissolution and decay. Under the right conditions, dead tissues breed molds and fungi, which in turn decay into something rather undifferentiated from organic soil matter. I am curious to investigate what part the hideous creatures known as ’Consumers’ play in this process, as they seem to perform similar conversions but at a much faster rate. They may not be beautiful to our eyes, but they too are a part of nature. I am currently seeking patrons to support my efforts in these investigations.

In my time spent in contemplation and study of the matrices of life in Dome, I have come to sense that there is a certain vibrancy to them, as though a common energy infuses these lives with something beyond the surface of appearances. This intrigues me, though as of yet I possess no means of pursuing such an elusive concept, much less measuring it. I do intend to make time from other tasks to pursue knowledge of this the years to come, though, and hope to be able to share more knowledge of this strange common thread.