File: Guilds & Traders Journal 5.txt

        The newspaper of the Dome.
    [October, 30, 2010] <> Year I, N. 5
           Editor: Raikana Plip

The 5th issue of the Guild & Traders Journal is dedicated to  love. Love for a deity, love  for an ideal,  love  for a perfect lover. As  Talad's  love blessed  his  injured shrine, I wish that love  may be in everyday's life of any citizen, even of those who placed a bounty on my head.

After  the  success  of  the  last        
mount race and a renewed  interest   
in racing, i would like to announce      
that i plan to hold more mount races  
where all  racers  will compete for    
the winnings of all entry fees. For     
further interest and/or questions,        
or suggestions, please contact:           
Perlan Cernun,                             
Grandmaster of Move.                   

  - Editorial
  - Index
  - G&TJ Contest
  - News
  - Relax
  - Announcements
  - Traders
  - Guilds

            << CONTEST >>
     !!!! W i n  2 0 0 0  Tria !!!!

Last week we had the "Decrypt Contest". The right answer was:
> 1.327.896.540

The winner was:
> Geceni

The 1000 tria prize was sponsored by: 
Broken Lance.

This week we bring to you a funny challenge, the "Banut Contest".

The seller of the paper will show you a Sack of Banuts and you'll have to guess how many banuts are contained in the sack. Each participant can answer two times and after the first answer the seller will tell if the right number is higher or lower. The answer may be given publically, so everyone can guess using the hints of the other people too.

Please note that the prize will be given only once, to the first who find out the right number. The contest is opened only to those who bought the paper. The correct answer and the name of the eventual winner, will be given when the contest will be over. The prize will increase by 1000 tria each week if there is no winner.

           Good luck to all !


Note for readers:
If you find your name mentioned here and you are not agreement with it, please accept our apologies and communicate it to the editor. Your name will not be used anymore in further editions of the newspaper.
We have changed our slogan to "The newspaper of the Dome" since we are unable, in fact, to cover the news of all levels of Yliakum. We hope you'll understand our concern about the precision of our slogan. Thanks for patience!

In this section you'll find articles of actuality and topics of interest. All the contents of this section are responsibility of the respective authors.

by Raikana

This week we bring you this insightful report about the deities of Yliakum. We hope to offer an overview to help the people to approach the right faith, or at least an interesting article to those who just seek knowledge. Books, tales and oral reports from elder members of the community has been used to build up this article and the bibliographic sources are listed at the end, for those who want to delve more into this complex topic.

Birth of Yliakum
Talad is one of the two gods that brought life to Yliakum. Together with Laanx, he fashioned this world. After creating Yliakum, Laanx created the Lemurs. As history was given birth in the lands of Yliakum, the Lemurs were the only race to be graced by the light of the Crystal. They worshipped and loved Laanx and Talad equally, despite the fact that only Laanx had placed her hand in their creation. Then one day Talad decided to create the Kran but he accidentally injured Laanx while he was creating Konroran, the first kran. 

> Known deities

Talad has been described as being like an ebony statue, with powerful muscles and long, proportioned bones. Despite the anger Laanx feels toward Talad, Talad still wishes Laanx well and hopes that one day he will be forgiven that's why Talad's worshipers value love and patience. They are generous with their skills and goods to those who are in need. Talad followers foster peace and are often found resolving conflicts. Talad's value of generosity makes him popular with lower classes.

The fist temple of Talad was created by Talad himself during the fifth epoch. Talad used the full power of the glyphs, melting the walls of the Dome to forge his gigantic Temple in one complete piece of stone, sculpted by his power from the molten rock itself. At rare intervals, the interactions of these glyphs and the people in the Temple cause strange magical effects, sometimes even manifesting actual material objects or creatures. These occurrences are seen by many as oracular messages from Talad himself; worshippers and priests often apply themselves to interpreting them. 

Following, and interview with Venorel Weruno from the Brotherhood of Talad, that took place in the Temple of Gugrontid:

You are a Talad's follower! How did it start? How was your "calling"?
"It started with my family who raised me in that worship, yet in sooth my calling came after my arrival in Hydlaa. At that time both the Daughters of Xiosia and the Ranger invited me to their guilds. I came very close to excepting. Indeed on the night of the vote to the Daughters of Xiosia was when I declined. Something did not feel right yet at the time I did not know what exactly... and then finally it became clear... they asked that I except the Goddess as my own. When I realized that then I began to see Talad no longer through my Father's practise but my own. Talad lead my path to the Krapriest Lilura. She excepted me into the Brotherhood of Talad and my practise has grown the stronger and continues to grow under Lilura's guidance."

You are in the Brotherhood of Talad. It seem to be a well organized group...tell me more about it.
"Yes...As you well know Talad is a God of Creation...This very temple where we sit here in Gugrontid is testimony to it; this very city being peopled by his creation the Kran.....The lesson that can be taken in that aspect of Talad is that he willingly and freely shares those creations to all. In that same fashion our guild is dedicated to share what we may have with those that are in need. That is one main aspect of our guild to help and share with all in need."

Do you think that Laanx will ever forgive Talad for injuring her?
"I know that Talad will have the need patience to await that forgivenes. That is another lesson that we take from Him. To live with Patience and Forgiveness."

What should be the behavior of someone who worships Talad? How should he/she live?
"With love through sharing, patience in their actions and forgiveness when wronged."

The worshipers of Laanx value purity and power, and perfection of the self. They help others, but only because they believe doing so makes them better people. Laanx is a female, but through the accident caused by Talad, she was disfigured and denied her femininity; that's why many worshippers describe her as a male and in the statue at Hydlaa plaza, Laanx is depicted as a male as well.

Laanx is a Goddess of rules, as we can see from the strict organization of her temple. The hierarchy is basic and the roles are strictly divided for the followers of this religion.

Here is a list of the five branches of Laanx. The head of each of these branches is called a Diat (dee-aht). There is one Diat per level, making eight Diats for each branch, forty in all.

These are the organizers of the religion and official translators of the Book of Names.
Educations is placed in the care of Noctar, which is very strict in it's teaching.
Branch of the religion encharged of marriage and children.
Ogan's only duty is art and celebration, which does not include weddings.
This is the martial branch of the religion. They serve as guards and enforcers for the other branches and cannot act on their own.

At the library I had the opportunity to interview Marjak Wilsoml, a very special follower of Laanx. Although his point of view may not fully reflect the vision of all the followers, he told us a very interesting story, worthy of appearing on these pages.

A Klyros worshipping Laanx is not usual to see...tell me more about you.
" is a story, yet a true one! When i was a child, i fell into a cave, with loose boards on it. I explored, and found many lemurs, more than usual
 so i asked what was going on he just told me that i was following the right path... strange so, i got to a large cavern with what looked like a massive city in it i entered, and saw a large building, now being an adventurous, young soul, i entered and in it... it was bare ... the size of a palace... and bare, except for a throne. On it, was a weeping man; i asked him about what was happening, and he told me that he was Laanx. i didn't believe him, as we were told stories of the horrors that Laanx had committed upon our race...yet he showed me a vision, of my dream, and i believed him!"

Can you tell me the content of your visions?
"My vision, although i will not readily admit it, laanx showed me that i was a truly gentle, kind soul
and he showed me a world of love that was my vision."

It seem that, even if Laanx temple is well organized, there are not many guilds that worship this deity....what can you tell me about it?
"I do not know of this, as i was brought into his religion in a different way than most."

Do you think Laanx will ever forgive Talad for injuring her?
"I do not know, laanx is not my friend, but my god, yet he seemed very, very sad."

What should be the behavior of a Laanx follower? How should he live?
"Laanx hath told me to live in peace, and not to be roused to anger without need, to love and to be loved. This i have tried my very best to do."

She is sometimes called the Mother Goddess, or Great Mother. Xiosia enhances the nature, the wisdom and the balance.

I interviewed Dannae Reinor from the Daughters of Xiosia in the park close to north gate, in Hydlaa:

You are a follower of Xiosia. How did it started? How was your "calling"?
"Hmmm, that's not such an easy question, nor do I have a very interesting answer I'm afraid. You see, one of many who arrived here in or near the city without recollection of their past. I feel more like Xiosia found me than the other way around, or, I should say, the followers of Xiosia. You see, when I first came here, I refused to harm any creatures or use weapons. Besides not wishing to harm any of Yliakum's creatures, I spent most of my time in the wilderness and learned to live in balance with nature. It was only by chance that I was introduced to Daughters of Xiosia one day when a dermorian...Vannaka was his name, after we'd talked for some time and he learned of my beliefs, he said he knew exactly where I belonged. Vannaka brought me to a Daughters of Xiosia's guild member and I learned from them of Xiosia It's almost as if I'd known the goddess all along.... my own values, and hers were the same."

The Daughters of Xiosia seems to be a well organized group. What is you filosophy?
"Well, to quote from our book ("Book of Daughters of Xiosia" wrote by many hands, including Siteya, Laurianna, and Aerynaia), "Harm none, do what thou wilt. Honor the goddess in all"...We attempt to maintain balance in all as is Xiosia's way"

How do Daughters of Xiosia is perceived from outsiders?
"There is quite a misconception... many outsiders seem to form their own opinions about what our priestesses should do or not do. Many think we are complete pacifists but this is not true....we do have warriors as well as those who specialize in teaching Xiosia's ways to others. Many also think we never kill...this is also untrue. We do kill...for training, food and to protect."

What can you tell me about the rivalry between Xiosia and Dakkru?
"I look at the two gods as opposite sides of the same coin. It's the followers of Dakkru I have issue with. The followers of Dakkru wish to tear down everything that is good and decent and followers of Xiosia want to maintain balance; Not destroy."

What should be the behavior of a follower of Xiosia? How should she/he live?
"True followers show a universal love and respect for everything Xiosia provides us....each other, our lands, our waters, the creatures within....followers will act in peace and non-violence whenever possible and never do anything to defile nature. The Daughter's guild takes these ideas and hopes to help others understand her ways."

Dakkru is the Goddess of Death. Dakkru rules the Death Realm, and she will afflict you with her curse if you manage to escape her dark domain. It's said, but may be only a legend, she claims a portion of each death as her own, taking a small piece of one's soul every time they pass through. Anyone who seen a lot of death will likely utter prayers to Dakkru.

"Song of the Lemur" by Aruisia Xant-Areth
"Talad, Our Benefactor And Our Guide" by Mugago Puntjal
"Kran history and origin" by Kerryk Cor
"Xiosia: The Way of Peace" by Sinto Gheshd
"The five Branches of Laanx" by Anonymous

by Raikana

You can imagine my surprise when, few days ago, my friend Urriro came to me with the news: "Raikana, you've got a bounty on your head!". The city of Hydlaa was upholstered by signs containing a weird bounty list. I'll publish the content integrally in the name of the philosophy of the paper:


If killed request bring guildhall fast notice

tria plentiful, watch out

bounty is on your head.

A message apparently inconsistent. First of all the names; a list made up of individuals who know each other, but with almost nothing in common. Secondly, the sentence: "If killed request bring guildhall fast notice" make no sense at all. Lastly, a bounty without contact and reward is totally useless.

The fist reunion of the "wanted" happened at Kada El's tavern. I was present, as Mishka, Urriro and a lady I recognized as an occasional costumer of the newspaper, Kaynna, the sixth of the list. At the time nothing could make me suspect that the author of the signs could be among us, could be a name in the list. Those present discussed for a while, then Mishka decided to take one of those signs and bring it to Issym, at the guards barracks. Apparently a guard saw the person who hanged up the signs; Kaynna corresponded with the description.

Later Issym and Mishka have brought together all those on whose head had been placed a bounty, including Kaynna, by convoking a meeting at the barracks. Once we were all there, Mishka faced Kaynna with strong words:

( M = Mishka | K = Kaynna)

M: "Kaynna, a guard saw you hanging one note at the northern gate."
K: "I have hung notes recently, I do admit. Perhaps you've seen them."
M: "No… one of the bounty notes."
K: "I'm collecting information about people downstairs in the tavern...I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."
M: "Don't fool me."
K: "Maybe I'm not the one fooling you."
M: "A guard gave Issym your description."
K: "I wish I could say there were more people that looked like me but none are as beautiful."
Kaynna cackles in front of the incredulity of those present.
K: "But, I digress."
M: "I should claw your throat now."
K: "What, just like you tried with Gartheiz? And how did that work out for you?"
Mishka unsheathes her claws.
M: "Tell me why, now."
K: "That's what I thought...There are higher wills than my own, Miss Cheshire."
Urriro unsheathes his claws too while following the scene and Mishka snarls softly.
M: "I don't care. Tell me why now."
K: "Perhaps you'll see."
Mishka brings a quick paw to Kaynna's neck but Kaynna swerves and avoids the worst of it.
K: "I can't control the future, Mishka, you wretch!...We're all just pawns, Cheshire."
Mishka hisses and tries to claw her face but Kaynna avoids the damage again, then steps back and turns on her heel.
K: "Nobody is truly free...The worst is still to come."

Nobody was able to stop her due to the surprise of her escape. I tried to follow her as long as I could and before to see her vanishing in the night, i succeed to make a last question:

R: So you've admitted that it was you?
K: Yes, I suppose.

The next day the hunting was open. I followed closely the research team composed by Mishka and Urriro. Finally after many chases Kaynna was stuck in front of the magic shop, before the astonished eyes of passersby. Here is a report of what happened:

( M = Mishka | K = Kaynna)

K: "Oh, my."
M: "Run, and you'll be toasted...I swear upon my kittens lives."
K: "What, you mean those kittens you love and protect and wouldn't let anybody steal them, not even your mother?"
Kaynna laughs coldly while Mishka quickly brings a blade to Kaynna's neck; Kaynna eyes widen.
M: "I could kill you right here… it would be too easy."
Kaynna rolls her eyes.
K: "What, and return me to Dakkru?...Oh, my."
M: "Actually, it's what I should do...but no, you have useful information."
Kaynna looks bemused while listening to Mishka.
K: "If you say so..."
M: "If I have to torture you to retrieve it, I won't hesitate."
K: "No, I'm sure it'll be alright without the torture, Miss Cheshire."
M: "Then start to speak. Who is your leader."
Kaynna laughs flatly. 
K: "I see you don't like to mess around, then...My leader... I really couldn't say. Even I'm slightly confused."
M: "Then the name of all your mates. All of them."
K: "I think you're slightly confused."
Kaynna grimaces at Mishka.
K: "I don't know any of my 'mates'..."
Mishka presses the sabre against Kaynna's neck while Kaynna laughs hysterically, and places her hands along the sabre's edge. 
M: "Liar… what about Gartheiz?"
K: "Me and him are... Close...we've got ties."
Mishka moves the sabre a bit, horizontally and Kaynna winces then pulls hands back, wiping blood away on her arms. Mishka's face becomes extremely serious, her eyes gleaming with an inner fire
M: "I told you I wouldn't hesitate."
K: "And I didn't doubt you, and still don't...but, If there's nothing else, I should really be on my way."
M: "Oh, there is. Who do you work for?"
K: "A better question, Perhaps, might be what do I work for."
Mishka snarls. 
M: "Answer my question."
K: "I don't think I work for a single person, dear, not as far as I understand, anyway...more for a thing...for a purpose, you might add.
M: "And what's that purpose?"
Kaynna stay silent for a while.
K: "You're not very patient. Instead of bullying me here, you could just'll see it in the future, you'll see..."
M: "You know, I plan on cutting the problem from the root now. Just in case you succeed."
K: "In that case, I think you've got the wrong person."
Mishka whispers a spell. Some flames cover her sabres for a while and disappear. The blades are red hot! 
M: "do you know how much does red hot metal hurt?"
Kaynna winces, backs away a few centimetres.
K: "Sadly I do, but if we're going to be metaphorical about this...plants can thrive because of their roots. They keep the plant alive, support it."
M: "But you'd notice a plant by it's flowers."
K: "You could say I was one of those flowers."
Mishka thrusts one of her sabres, aiming for Kaynna's left thigh. Kaynna shrieks in pain, doubling over and clasping her thigh.
K: "You....Creature."
M: "Now, Kaynna… will you tell lady Cheshire more about Will of Dakkru?"
K: "I'm thirsty, that's the problem. Need a water pouch."
Kaynna screeches a manic laugh.
K: "I've nothing more to tell, mishka."
Mishka throws a slash at Kaynna's neck, trying to chop her head off and Kaynna doesn't utter a sound, falling to the floor, with a cold smile still on her face. Mishka keeps a serious expression on her face and say a last thing after sheathing her sabres.
M: "Next one is Gartheiz."

The mysterious troublemaker is now dead, under the pitiless sabers of Mishka, but how much time will it take until she manage to return from the Death Realm? What is the meaning of that bounty list? What are the plans of those criminals? Which is the relation between them and Gartheiz, the fortune-teller, who prophesied about a dark age coming upon us? 

By a "Former Bartender of the Den"

This is a response to the anonymous letter appeared in the fourth issue of the journal, entitled "Murder at the Red Crystal: is it a hoax?". The author wishes to remain unknown as well and signed as "a former bartender".

"We have evidence that one of the bartenders of the Red Crystal Den is missing. Her betrothed, and all her guild, are looking for her at this moment. She's one of my best friends, so you can understand my point of view about that letter. The manager decided to close the Den shortly after I gave her my own key. Since there aren't many guards around and the number of customer has been going down, she had to close for Talad knows how long. Indeed, we closed for the lack of customers, but it's derived from the recent attacks. We will open again as soon as this is finished, I'm pretty sure. "

by Raikana

Thanks to the continued prayers, to the unmovable faith of the Brotherhood of Talad and all Talad's worshipers, the shrine that was destroyed by unknown vandals last week, is now completely restored. This is an important manifestation of Talad for all worshipers as it demonstrates the true power of the God. Seems that the credits for this incredible success goes most of all to Brako. Here is what he said about this important event:

"Brako found ancient runes on stone. Ancient language, forgotten prayer. Talad kraself carved, Brako thinks. Brako learned ancient runes when Gemmate… long ago, centuries ago. Brako read runes, prayed. Talad's spirit comes, fixes stone. Runes glow, carving melts, Mishka says. Stone fixed. Brako happy."

Take a breath from everyday hardships and enjoy this section of the newspaper, dedicated to pastimes of any kind. All the content of this section (including the jokes) has not to be taken seriously!

J o k e s >>

A beggar stops a noble in the street, asking for help.
- Please, help, i'm starving... -
- you are starving...well...go to work! -
- I tried my lord, but afterwards i was starving even more... -


At the village fair:
- Dad, dad, buy me some confetti! -
- No! Last year you thrown all them away! - 


The mistress teaching Common to the childrens:
- I cry, you cry, he/she/it cries, we cry, you cry, they... -
- ...swim! -

G a m e s >>

The correct answer for the previous game was:
<< At the party they were binging 
while the artist kept on singing >>


>Anagram at the court

In a courtroom a witness is asked where he was at the time of the murder. Now, suffering from a severe form of dyslexia, he could say only a phrase that appeared meaningless:

- I was in the "garbed looser zone"! - 

The court, however, understood exactly where he was...

Do you think you also know it?

The right answer will be given in the next issue.

|     YOUR ADVERTISE HERE?         
|       Contact the editor!        

Every citizen can use this board to make an announcement or advertise of any type. If you have something to post, please contact the editor.


- Narivis' Shop, in Hydlaa. Bargain's a deal! For all adventurer's needings!

- Are you in need of arms, mineral resources, food, special items or maybe of a good advice? The EverTrade Co is there, waiting for you. We'll do our best to make you happy! Feel free to contact Tenra, Sileph, Goraidh or Aalinta.

- If you are looking for Ores, Weapons, Magic Weapons, Magic Rings, Glyphs or Rare items, Ribenoly is your best choice!

- Hydlaa's Premier Grocer at Heralle's Groceries! It's all a citizen needs!

- Muradin sells medium quality weapons, helmets and shields for training purpouses, at incredibly low prices!


- The Guilds & Traders Journal offers a fair amount of tria to buy any copy of any old issue of any newspaper! The objective is to build up, one day, an hemeroteque. Contact: Raikana Plip.

- Hangyatr and Keella are always looking for iron and coal ores to buy! Paying 100 tria each ore.

- Herere buys ores! Paying 300 tria for copper and tin and 200 tria for iron.


- The Champions's Cup is waiting for you! 
Held every first Saturday of the month, in the Dlayo Pit, Arena. It's a mini war between guilds and it is free to enter. Contact Heleckie, Xitop or Hangatyr for more information.


- The Bounty Hunters guild is looking for a cook! Any skilled cook can talk to Earowo for the job.

- Malunga offers his services for repairing weapons.

- Zaft Zalta, Shaman and Divinator, Will do any job for a fair pay.

- Phtaleine offers services as poet and story writer, writing poems on request. Offers also customized clothes [in form of books]. Please contact her or Darmon for more details!

- Enki Gadut, newcomer in Hidlaa, looks for any kind of work for a high pay!


- Ruya Sajadi of the Brotherhood of Talad seeks information on a group of brigands who cruelly accosted her outside of Gugrontid, falsely slandered her faith in Talad, and sent her to the Death Realm. Any help tracking down the culprits will be greatly appreciated.

- Famiel Massterr Is Looking To Join A Group Fighting Gang To Run The Country Side Slaying Beasts (minimum group of 4) Interested anytime!

- Cirerey Chirey and Anapthema Chirey! Convoluted into wedding with much love! We all wish you best luck!

- "Perlan Cernun, I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. I miss you daily. I love your good heart and all moments we share. I would die for you."
In love yours Sulaika.

Through this section, the readers can meet all their needs in terms of trading.

This list contains the name and the specialization of some of the dozens of traders that make business in Yliakum. If you sell something and you want to appear in this list please contact the editor.

Name              Trading

Animal parts and hides
Fine metals
Fine and medium quality swords, shields and helmets.
Fine quality weapons, armors and helmets.
Fine quality weapons, armors and helmets.  
Fine quality weapons, shields and helmets.
Standard quality swords
Fine Magic Weapons and glyphs.
Books and guides
Medium quality weapons, helms and shields
Magic weapons, shields, glyphs and magic jewelry
Fine Magic Weapons and glyphs.
General trader (weapons, magic items, rares)
Fine shields
Fine metals
Cooked food and bakery
Fine weapons, superior quality helmets and shields.
Wine and rare beverages

The easiest way to get what you are looking for!

A n i m a l  P a r t s  -  H i d e s 
o - Earowo

A r m o r s
o - Hangyatr        
o - Keella           

F o o d - D r i n k s - 
I n g r e d i e n t s
o - Heralle        
o - Spafix            
o - Venorel

G l y p h s
o - Mekora     
o - Narivis            
o - Pelusius   
H e l m e t s
o - Hangyatr        
o - Keella           
o - Gova        
o - Leraider  
o - Muradin       
o - Tiboy   
M a g i c  I t e m s
o - Narivis           
o - Ribenoly        
M a g i c  W e a p o n s

o - Mekora                 
o - Narivis          
o - Pelusius         

B o o k s  -  P u b l i s h i n g
o - Heralle        
o - Miadon       
R a r e  -  I t e m s
o - Ribenoly        

R a w  M a t e r i a l
o - Glaciusor         
o - Sileph  
S h i e l d s 
o - Gova           
o - Leraider 
o - Muradin     
o - Narivis            
o - Shew         
o - Tiboy         

W e a p o n s
o - Gova            
o - Hangyatr            
o - Heralle           
o - Keella            
o - Leraider 
o - Malunga 
o - Muradin      
o - Ribenoly        
o - Tiboy          

This section gives to the guilds a chance to be more visible and helps citizens to choose with more discernment which guild to join.

Only guilds that have a minimum of 10 members can figure on this list.

Name                         Leader      
Akkaio Setha Clan         Narivis              
Bloodstone Brethren        Yahh                 
Bounty Hunters            Earowo              
Brotherhood of Talad        Lilura 
Call of Destiny             Jaycol                   
Corps Virtuoso              Delrid                
Daughters of Xiosia        Dannae               
Diamond Claw              Xitop                 
Elemental light             Urodi                 
Enlightened Path           Sulaika              
Explorers                   Mordaan               
House Cheshire            Barike                 
House of Trayus           Vilthis                
Klyros Junction            Leraider          
Knowledge Seekers        Tuathanach           
Kore Irka Clan             Akaiddo             
Lye naa tualle           Glaciusor            
Masters of Move           Perlan                
Nemesis                    Eagler                
Nexus of Devotion          Xarock               
Nomothetes                 Thinzall                
Order of Light          Bonifarzia            
Rangers of Yliakum        Kaerli                 
Roots of Vocation          Pontifer             
The crystal weavers        Bedira              
The house of the game     Eurac               
The one                    Rodef  
The Organisation        Skardellinus         
The Warriors             Proteous            
The way of the hammer    Thoraro           
The Woiperdinger         Shalier               
Wayward Kingdom         Menille                 

Here is a list of guilds that we have no evidences to prove their existence but some rumour, or the guilds that prefers to stay in shadow.

Prophets of Chaos
The outlaws            
The secret confraternity
The secret society

Here you can find the description of some of the many guilds of the world. This section will be implemented as long as we will produce a review of each guild. If your guild appear in the list above and you want it to have a description here, just contact the editor of the newspaper to adding it in the next edition.

Akkaio Setha Clan is the mercantile branch of the Alliance of Enkidukai that works mainly out of Hydlaa and Oja. 
G u i l d  G o a l s : Making shops in all major city on every Level of the Realm.

The guild offer a service to who wants to put a bounty on a criminal player, saying reason and reward ammount. Offers also service of animal part collecting. This guild is always recruiting!
G u i l d  G o a l s : Bring criminals to justice and help the weaks.

The followers of this guild try to be generous with their skills and goods to those who are in need, following Talad's example of love and patience. Honest fighters, magician and crafter, as well as those with no defined path, are welcome to this guild.
G u i l d  G o a l s : Unify the followers of Talad so they can overcome the hardships of life together.

A peaceful, community oriented guild, that functions like a family.
G u i l d  G o a l s : To promote the community and the peace.

This guild is oriented on education and has one main idea: never attack people until they attack first!
G u i l d  G o a l s : Lead people to the mastery in their preferred profession.

The members of this guild are followers of Xiosia, who endeavor to provide aid to both oppressed men and women that are new to Hydlaa, to help them get a good life. Always recruiting!
G u i l d  G o a l s : Help people to become strong and independent.

An ancient warrior guild. Their philosophy is summed in their motto "Many colors, One light". An honest and democratic guild that accept all professions.
G u i l d  g o a l s : To defend the oppressed and downtrodden. If is a just cause, they'll accept any fight!

The Trayus House evolved from it’s feudal elements of antiquity into of a system based on secular ideals that encompasses a robust constitutional foundation and adherence to the rule of law by reforms in the House led by the late Lord Dunril Trayus in support of the Octarchal Decree 425 AY. 
G u i l d  G o a l s : Civic progress, public service and defence of the Dome's Capitol - Hydlaa. 

This guild try to gather klyros together, as everyone might know thy tend to gather together with others of their kind. Is a family, an home, for the klyros of the dome. 
G u i l d  G o a l s : Gather together all klyros and work toward the progression of Yliakum.

The Knowledge Seekers run the Yliakum University, which is open to all.  We welcome those who wish to learn and strive to teach them about science, crafting, magic , society, history and the arts. We come to teach.
G u i l d  G o a l s : Educating Yliakum and unleashing the hidden potential of each individual citizen.

This guild have various halls, each hall with its own special skills like magic or healing. Anybody can come and expose a need and they'll be directed to the appropriate hall for free, or for a fair fee.
G u i l d   G o a l s : This guild is dedicated to assisting and enriching the community.

Devotion is the main thing for us. We are a family; we are devoted to each other.
G u i l d  G o a l s : To gather facts and studies about all aspects of Yliakum, to share with friends and allies.

The roots stand for the twists and turns life hands up and the vocation stands for your calling or passion.
G u i l d  g o a l s : Help the lost and the weak.

This guild wish to help the dwarfs and all those who help their dwarven brothers, keeping the knowledge of our ways alive. They also collect rare weapons, crafter by their ancestors.
G u i l d  G o a l s : To promote better treatment for all dwarfs and theyr allies.


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Total:                      80 copies

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Price: 1 Circle.