File: Guilds & Traders Journal 18.txt

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      The newspaper of the Dome
          [10, September, 2017 ]
                [Year 8]
                  N. 18
           Editor: Zakena Plip
              << publisher >>
           Bards Association

         << official partners >>
            House DeFaye
          Knowledge Seekers
           Klyros Junction 
           Bounty hunters
            Ad libertatem                                                                                                                                       
I am extremely sorrowful in writing these lines of farewell; yes, the Guilds & Traders Journal closes, after years of honorable service. I know that many of you will not be affected, but for many this newspaper was a way to hear and be heard. We never know if it will raise again, even with another editor, or if I will create another newspaper/magazine in the future. If you think you are the right person to take my place and keep the journal alive please contact me, in the meanwhile thanks to every writer and reader that followed us for all this time: it has been a wonderful time!

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S P E C I A L   M E S S A G E
F R O M  K N O W L E D G E
The Knowledge Seekers are proud to support the Guilds and Traders Journal.
We run The University of Yliakum, which is open to all people irrespective of a persons age, gendor, race or religion. 
We offer a wide range of courses both part and full time including Magic, Alchemy, Cooking, Crafting, Combat, Communication, Arts, Stalactite studies and Ylianties. For more information please contact one of our staff or pick up a prospectus from the University   [].
S P E C I A L   M E S S A G E
F R O M  H O U S E  
House De Faye, Unrelenting Unity.
Lord Jocas DeFaye beckons every citizen of the Dome in need of help, or feeling like helping others, to join the House DeFaye.
For more information send a groffel to Jocas DeFaye or to Mishka Laralkes.
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    ~  A d   L i b e r t a t e m  ~ 
          Choose the freedom!  

         |   For information    |
         |   contact Ravynne   | 
                  /''''( __________
             .---- (__)-------..___
             '-._ ______ :_.---'
                 )   _   (
                '---'   '---'
              M. Laralkes
   >> Blacksmith Extraordinaire <<

         No order TOO BIG!
       No order TOO SMALL!
       Payments in CIRCLES
         for your commodity

         Inquire about prices
        and special discounts
        [/tell Mishka for info]
  - Editorial 
  - Index
  - Contest
  - News & Topics
  - Relax
  - Announcements
  - Traders 

For the newspaper, is a tradition to call a contest from time to time. For the last issue we propose a contest titled: "Opposites attracts".

Six random readers will represent the six magic ways: Crystal, Azure, Red, Dark, Brown and Blue. The task is simple: find the person who represents the opposite way and be the first pair to reach the newspaper's editor.

Six copies of the newspaper have been edited to indicate the reader's role, so be sure to read it to the end. It will also indicate to the participants how they can recognize each other. If you are part of the game you cannot talk publicly about your role [you can use PMs but not any other chat].

The two winners will receive a Lore Gem (rare symbol of love for knowledge and arts) and 50.000 tria.


In this section you'll find articles of actuality and topics of interest. All the contents of this section are responsibility of the respective authors.

By Mishka Laralkes

Another edition of the Ynnwn Games, a fitness and strength event, took place recently in front of the Arena building's entrance, to gather citizens of Yliakum who would show their agility in an obstacle race, their speed in a hurdles track, and their strength in two heavy weightlifting exercises.

The participants for the first round, although some ended up leaving early or joining late, were Igesal, Firke, Mishka, Tozaun, Archmonidus, and Migg. By the end of the first leg of this event, a female Dermorian named Tinabobina also joined, participating in the last exercise. In the second round, the participants were Tinabobina and Igesal again, Archmonidus for a brief time, and an increase of participants saw Djugu, Sarras, Anysu, Sacho, Chernyi and Ravynne joining in.

For the first part, the attendees had to run around a track, jumping over the hurdles set up. In the first leg of the event, the winners were Migg, Igesal, and Firke in that order. There was some trouble as some people got stuck in the hurdles as they tripped over them and fell over, and some even missed them, but there was no harm done to anyone. For the second leg, Sarras was the fastest runner, with Chernyi and Sacho coming close.

For the second exercise, the athletes had to lift a bar with heavy weights, to which more weight was added in the subsequent rounds, eliminating those who failed to lift it. The stronger ones were Firke, Archmonidus and Mishka for the first event, and  for the second Tinabobina made it to the top, with Anysu and Djugu ending second and third.

The third part of the event consisted in an obstacle course: the contestants had to jump from one platform to a taller one, then walk across a tightrope, and finally jump from post to post, and land. It took some many tries, and others couldn't make it, but in the end the best athletes for the first leg of the event were Igesal, Firke, and Migg, and Igesal won again the second round, followed close by Djugu. Apparently, the course was so difficult nobody could complete it!

Finally, for the lift and hold test, a feat of both strength and resistance consisting of holding up a very heavy weight, only three athletes contested the first leg: Igesal, Tinabobina and Mishka won first, second and third place respectively. The winners for the second run were, finally, Igesal, Ravynne and Tinabobina.

All the participants seemed to have a great time, between the feats of strength and the catering available, and it most likely left a good aftertaste in many if not all of them. Special thanks go to Igesal Sahel and Archmonidus Dekalb, who helped provide the information for this article.
By Zakena Plip

The thief entered unhindered, stealing food, potions, books, medicines ... pretty much everything. This could seem the report of a theft occurred in the mansion of a wealthy merchant but the reality is far more gruesome: the theft happened at Amdeneir Hospital!

I was present when Ravynne discovered the pillage. Here is an excerpt of our conversation:

R: these are suppossed to be full of food... I am so mad right now!
Z: what happened?

R: someone came and cleaned us out...can't belive...
Z: that's sad

R: its a lot of work... all our potions too, salves, ALL GONE!
Z: but... how can it be? the stuff is not protected?

R: its suppossed to be...
Z: ...

Responsibility cannot be attributed to management, as there are evidences of a misdemeanor; the lock, although well built, surrendered under the demonic hands of the thief.

Many stolen objects can be replaced, with great effort. Many other are more difficult to replace, such as books. Among the stolen books and drawings there are:

Do Not Drink Spirits!
Chopper Man
Klyros - The Comming
The Three Laws of Herbalism
On the Hazards of Potion Mixing
The End of Martin the Ugly
Martin The Masked's First Step

In these hard times for the hospital all those wishing to make a donation should come forward. Interested parties may address a member of the healers' council, such as Anysu, Sacho, Fesara, or Ravynne.

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By Zakena Plip

We are not surprised to see monsters approaching the walls of our beloved Hydlaa. Sometimes we even saw them placidly walking through the city (check the article "Interview with the trepor" published in the 16th issue), but now things are even weirder.

Lately I personally saw vilenauts inside the walls and even the guards are not strong enough to stop them. Maybe there are not enough heroes able to face them? Invasions have always been, but we also had enough arms to deal with the problem.

Yesterday I had a chat with Harnquist and we discussed this phenomenon. He told me that a vilenaut attacked his customers the day before. The vilenaut barked Mibes while he worked at the forge and harrowed him to death. Then it started chasing Sarras, so she started running around the shop, where two dwarves were hanging out. Knowing the vilenaut would attack them, she drew it away with some Azure spells and started bringing it toward the fountain in the center of the plaza. Then the dwarf Dalos grabbed his weapons, chased after the vilenaut which was chasing Sarras, and slew it before anyone else could be killed.

I have no preconceptions against the vilenauts, but do you really want to find yourself devoured by one of them? If we do not stop vilenauts from entering the city I fear that's exactly what will happen.
|        @       Migg Ellorean,      ===    |
|      @.|..@        Herbalist         .| |.    |
|       \|/               .             /   \   |
|       .][             .)****(.          \.._,/  |
|                     (.____.)                 |
|                                              |
| Informed Advice, Affordable Prices!  |
|   Hydlaaa Market or send a Groffel  |
+-------------------------------------------------------+ THE YTC MISTERY
By Zakena Plip

What happened to the Yliakum Trading Company? many people ask this question, especially if they were in business with them. All we know is that they have suddenly disappeared, leaving even some pending negotiations.

Some have speculated on the matter, suggesting a possible bankruptcy but some even more worrying voices speak of a possible magic cataclysm, that may have wiped out the whole group. In fact, not many people know that the YTC was about to start the glyph business, having accumulated quite a few glyphs before launching the initiative, but they vanished before they could make it oficial.

I tried to contact a group's representative without success. They seem vanished. So i can just keep asking: what happened to the YTC?


By Zakena Plip

The authorities kept their word, reopening the former RCD and making it a truly public space, available to everyone. The structure was seized about six years ago due to disputes between the Octarchs and the latest management (for more information read the article "seizure of the red crystal den" published in the issue number 17) and many thought that we would never see it opened again.

Yet the place it's there and it's even better than before! The space can be used to host musical concerts, commedy, poetry, parties and much more... free of cost. All you are asked to do is to keep the place clean and usable.

Furthermore, the environment and the furniture have been greatly improved, not to mention that wonderful experimental drum kit mounted on the stage, that makes the joy of all bards.

Summing up: after so many complaints about city management, I can finally say that authorities have done a wonderful job with YANCA. 

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|=|           For information            |=|
|=|            contact Gonger            |=|
By Zakena Plip

The Guilds & Traders Journal closes its doors, this is the latest news that we'll share with our loyal readers. The reason is simple: lack of staff. This ghost has always hovered on our newspaper, but this time we could not resist. My commitment as a composer takes me more and more time, and I can no longer cover multiple roles in the realization of the newspaper as i did in the past. As I said in the editorial, I do not exclude the possibility that someone raise up to take my place, but this event seems unlikely. So is it a farewell? Yes, but not a sad one; i'll still be around and who knows if some day i'll pick up the work again by reopening the G&T Journal or by creating a new publication. Also: we are the most longevous newspaper of the Dome with our 18 issues, beating the previous record of the "Yliakum Herald" that lasted 11 issues... a reason to rejoice! (for more information read the article "Yliakum's newspapers along the history" published in the issue number 3)

I suppose that many may be thinking: "is making a newspaper really an hard work?". You should judge by yourself, trying it! There are so many tasks involved: seeking news, writing articles, seeking sponsors and advertises, compiling announcements and trading list, paging the newspaper, making copies, mounting the stall and distributing. Every one of those tasks is difficoult and time consuming.

That being said, I would like to take this opportunity to greet and thank those who made this possible: writers, announcers, merchants, guilds and the protagonists of the news which made us feel amused, excited, frightened, angry and proud. I would also like to retrace the journey of the newspaper to this day, starting with its foundation.

The Guilds & Traders Journal was founded almost 42 years ago by Raikana Plip, my aunt, on Azhord 6 [10 October 2010]. From what I know the inspiration struck Raikana during one of her walking trips, between Ojaveda and Hydlaa. Everything arose from a simple thought: what would happen in Hydlaa while she was out? The answer was clear: we need something that help us in this task... a newspaper! the second thought was: why not allow merchants and guilds to get acquainted through the newspaper? This is how the name was born: Guilds & Traders Journal.

One year passed. From the first simple edition, the newspaper grew to include contests, games, jokes, poems, reviews, guides, studies and news. The list of merchants and guilds also grew more and more. 
During this time, Raikana suffered various threats (for more information read the article "the bounty list" published in the issue number 5), enduring with pride. Unfortunately, due to a heated discussion with an unresponsive reader who was the protagonist of a news, Raikana was reproached by the authorities. Seeing the freedom of print in danger, she made the extreme and controversial gesture of suiciding herself in the Hydlaa plaza; her last words: "Nothing can stop free press!". Some say that now her spirit wanders between here and the dark realm, claiming to have seen her as a spectre, floating in Jayose's library.

That was the time when I came in: I could not let Raikana's work to be forgotten, my aunt was my mentor and my life example. Even if I was just a kid at the time, on Dwanden 22 [1 January 2011] i published the 11th issue of the G&T Journal. Since that day I have led the reins of the newspaper, also working as a reporter, pager, commercial agent and distributor.

Over the years we had several writers, which I would like to thank first. They are Alvero, Bonedaf, Cinade, Cirerey, Darmon, Dermathil, Dramborleg, Erelenga, Grimul, Kendric, Kesel, Koios, Leonideus, Leraider, Mishka and Roled. Thanks friends, your help was essential.

Secondly the readers; your interest has made all this possible. Thanks!

Then the traders and the guilds (too many to be called by name). You were the core of the newspaper. Thanks for believing!

Lastly I would like to remember everyone that has been protagonist of a news. Sad or cheerful, your stories have filled the heart of the citiens of the Dome. They are: Ambrebe, Anapthema, Anysu, Ardoin, Armidillo, Aschatan, Asiek, Ayria, Archmonidus, Baugho, Bedira, Besnio, Bonifarzia, Brako, Caraick, Celrau, Chernyi, Chessire, Cormah, Damola, Dalos, Demagul, Denes, Derator, Destina, Djugu, Dorbaine, Dramborleg, Earowo, Elhorien, Elion, Enercota, Enonymous, Ephidel, Esalir, Esorono, Evaraj, Evilia, Evirea, Fesara, Firke, Geceni, Giterin, Glacisour, Gonger, Gorub, Halaali, Hangatyr, Igesal, Ikon, Jecewie, Jocas, Kabitar, Kaerli, Kaipaber, Kaloodakall, Kaynna, Keela, Kelpi, Kesel, Ketta, Kiaerulf, Kisoji, Koios, Kull, Kull, Lialym, Llexx, Malunga, Mekora, Menille, Mesrin, Mibes, Migg, Mishka, Monala, Mordaan, Nathe, Oretara, Perlan, Phaat, Poezza, Pontifer, Prrta, Qiner, Ravynne, Realito, Rheos, Rhino, Roled, Rykia, Sacho, Saili, Sanrai, Sarras, Sarreena, Sarren, Shkirr, Sliss, Stashka, Sulaika, Tesha, Teshia, "The Dawn", Tinabobina, Torieffe, Tozaun, Trogdar, Tuathanach, Urriro, Venorel, Waesed, Wrenn, Xitop, Xola, Yenida, Zafharag and Zayla.
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    |    (_ * NOLTHIR SHOP * _)     |
    |                                       |
    |   Exquisite selection of items   |
    |    and hi quality supplies!        |
    |                                       |
    |        - Contact Igesal for info.  |
Catering for any event, picnic baskets or a simple sack lunch. Dishes can be ordered individually or in bulk.
Take a breath from everyday hardships and enjoy this section of the newspaper, dedicated to pastimes of any kind. All the content of this section (including the jokes) has not to be taken seriously! 

A half-dwarf half-gobble boy runs home from hunting and asks his father: 
"Daddy, am I more dwarf or more gobble?" 
"Why do you want to know, son?" 
"Because a friend of mine is selling his mace for 100 tria and I want to know if I should talk him down to 1 hexa or just kill him and take it..."


An undead shambles into a tavern for dark way followers. The bartender says, "First time I've seen a real undead in here. Did you know there's a drink named after you?"
The undead replies, "Really? A drink named John?"


A guard goes to a man with a drawing in her hands:
"Is this your wife?"
The man frowns and replies, "Yes".
"I am the bearer of bad news... it looks like she's been hit by a carriage..."
"I know" says the man "But she can cook and she's good with the kids."

| Jokes by Mishka |

What do you call a pile of enkidukai?
a meow-tain.


What do you call a flying enkidukai?

The solution for the previous game was: 
The thief needs 20 attempts to guess the right combination.

Riddle > 
Without feet I run fast and never rest: I do not have a house I do not have a roof, yet I'm always in my bed.
The right answer it's at the bottom of the newspaper. 

Every citizen can use this board to make an announcement or advertise of any type. 

- The Bards Association offers a fair amount of tria to buy any copy of any old issue of any newspaper (obviously, not G&T Journal)! Also, we look for any kind of books, maps and musical sheets [created by players]. 
Contact: Zakena Plip. 

- Dalos, master crafter, buys ores!

- Bounty hunters are in constant need of ores. Contact Gonger for information.

- Eshara looks for suppliers (a miner and a hunter)

- Aiena Gurzab offers her services as animal parts gatherer and professional mercenary.

- Kaerli offers her services as professional mercenary.

- The Way of the hammer guild offers a vast choices of weapons and smith service; payments in ores.

- The Hydlaa Sanatorium needs your help, in order to be able to help you when you will need medical cures! Talk to Jecewie! 
            K A E R L I ' S
       Finest Potions of Curing
       << at unbeatable prices >>
                  , | | .
    Don"t be running around sick 
    and feverish, get your today!
Through this section, the readers can meet all their needs in terms of trading. This list contains the name and the specialization of some of the dozens of traders that make business in Yliakum.

Aiena >>
Professional mercenary and animal parts gatherer.

Brewing service

Eshara >> 
Apprentice blacksmith for hiring. 

Grindulf >> 
Professional musical scores. 

Igesal >>
General shop.

Jessamine >>
Culinary products.

Kaerli >> 
Finest cure potions. Mercenary service.

Brewing service

Migg >>

Mishka >> 
Master blacksmith for hiring. 

Tailoring service.

Zakena >> 
Professional musical scores, custom composition service. 

Zharai >>
General goods.

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We can re-print them specially for you for only 8 circles. Ask to Zakena! 
Previous issue:        50 copies
Current issue:	       48 copies